
    Quality Is Planned, Assured And Controlled

    Quality is the degree of conformance of Deliverables to Specification. The goal of a project is to deliver software products with an acceptable level of Quality on time. Acceptable, according to our software development contract, means that Quality is 95% or greater.

    Defects in software decrease the level of Quality and shall be removed by the project team. We take preventive actions to minimize Defects. Revealed Defects are removed during project lifecycle.

    An estimated number of Defects are planned when a project is started and is based on the amount of Functional Requirements. Testers work with the software product until the estimated number of Defects are found. This gives us confidence that software is delivered without critical hidden Defects.

    Any type of software has an unlimited number of Defects. Some of these are critical and some are minor. In the iterative and incremental delivery process we use to find the planned amount of Defects, we provide an optimal service in the limited amount of time given. Regardless, all critical Defects are to be found and removed.

    Defects are tracked in a Defects Tracking System, which you have an access to. During the whole project lifecycle you may view Defects and add their own records to this database.

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