
    Puzzle Driven Development (PDD) To Help In Distributed Projects

    Read more on this topic in php|Architect, August 2010 article "Prevent Conflicts in Distributed Agile PHP Projects", by Yegor Bugayenko.

    Parallel programming in a distributed team is a tricky and risky process, especially if your project wants to be successful and delivered on time. A subversion helps isolate programmers in their branches, but when they start to reintegrate into trunk, conflicts may effectively ruin hours or days of work.

    Distributed development of software over the last decade has been growing in popularity. This is mostly due to the continuous improvement of the quality of communication channels and the emergence of new methods of interaction between us on the Internet. Nowadays, brick-and-mortar offices become less effective when a software project requires the participation of engineers with different skills, experience, and price.

    One of the biggest problems in parallel programming is conflicts of source code. People tend to make chaotic changes and then later, fail to merge their results with similar contributions made by others. Puzzle Driven Development (PDD) solves these problems by means of using so called "puzzles" inside source code.

    More on this topic will be revealed later when the patent application is published by USPTO.

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