
    Standardized Requirements In One Document

    A Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is one of the central artifacts in the course of a software development project. It defines what shall be developed in great detail. The SRS is a rather technical document and usualy requires your significant attention to read and understand it.

    The SRS is a format of the Specification. The SRS is based on the Vision and provides details for each Feature from it.

    The SRS is created by a system analyst according to details provided by the requirements specifier (your representative). The SRS includes four sections:

    'Recommended Practices for Software Requirements Specifications' is used to structure, define and maintain the SRS.

    The amount of effort contributed to SRS development and maintenance depends on the project size and complexity. However, average numbers (in correlation with the project Budget) are as follows:

    Budget, staff-hours Functional Requirements SRS size, pages Efforts, staff-hours Time, weeks

    Functional Requirements for the SRS are uniquely identified and used in a Traceability Matrix in order to provide backward traceability for Features.

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